Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese style acupuncture uses points based on expected effects to a particular problem area or symptom. It utilizes the concept of needling locally, distally, and remotely to address a problem, while balancing the related internal organs and meridians. Chinese needle technique often involves manipulating the needles to elicit a sensation of energy (qi) stimulation.
Chinese acupuncture can be used for all types of conditions including musculoskeletal, respiratory, neurological, digestive, gynecological, and emotional problems. This acupuncture style is suitable for everyone and many people appreciate the immediate sensation of energy movement.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Originating over five thousand years ago in Asia, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) encompasses Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Therapy, Tuina or Massage, Nutrition, Lifestyle, and other related modalities that balance the body in order to restore and maintain health. This works by balancing the Yin-Yang and restoring strength and movement of Qi in the body.
Qi (pronounced chee) is a vital life force energy. It nourishes and promotes the body’s natural healing process. Like smooth flowing water that travels through streams and rivers, Qi should flow through the meridians or channels of the body. According to traditional Chinese medical theory, pain and illness arise when the cyclical flow of Qi in the meridians becomes blocked or unbalanced.
Chinese medicine restores the proper balance of Qi and blood, thus, supporting the body to help correct itself. It has the ability to alter various biochemical and physiological conditions in order to treat a wide variety of illnesses. When Qi and blood flow freely and unobstructed through the meridians, the body is balanced. A balanced body is a happy and healthy body.
Acupuncture is performed by inserting sterile, thin (as fine as a human hair), disposable, stainless-steel needles into specific points located on the surface of the skin. Most patients report a feeling of calm and often fall asleep during treatment. After the first session most people have less pain, increased mobility, and a feeling of deep relaxation. With on-going treatments patients report increased energy, improved clarity and mental focus, improved complexion, improved digestion and better quality of sleep.